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The funny thing is this shows why personally I don't have a 360. The top 5 games for 360 are all on PC as well and all play there as well or better IMO, particularly the FPS games. As with the fist Halo on Xbox MS main focus seems to be getting NA gamers who would have previously played those kinds of games on a PC off PC and onto a console.

Now, there's nothing wrong with that... but I really think this approach is always going to put a glass-ceiling over MS consoles' head which they will struggle to breach. And that ceiling is where you need to sell beyond this narrow demographic to a more diverse, casual userbase.

Also, I know people tend to think of console exclusive when comparing titles but with PC still being popular outside US (look at Crysis WW repoted sales vs US only) I think the only real exclusives the 360 has are those that are not on another platform at all, including PC. Outside US games like COD4 and Bioshock sell well on PCs and prevent uptake of 360 to a degree so I don't see Bioshock nor GOW are representing exclusives for 360 anymore: how can they be, as I was able to play both without purchasing a 360?

The bottom line is if you want the absoloutely largest library with the highest average reviews you would play on a PC. For PC like games 360 comes close behind. PS3 and Wii will both soon catch up on PS3 due to titles like COD4 being on one or the other plus more and more 90% plus games coming out for those platforms (they trail 360 by 12 months or so remember for delveopment and release cycles).

In fact, right now what would be interesting is to look at 360 position for game reviews end of first 12 months and compare that to PS3 and Wii first 12 months position.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...