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I think you have to be signed into eBay to view completed listings. It may well be different in the US but as usual in rip-off Britain eBay is cheaper. If you're going to buy a load of games then it's worth picking up the console and buying the physical games. If you only want one and don't own the console then the VC's a better option. As I already have a lot of the VC consoles it makes sense for me to buy real copies both because of their price and because I can always resell them if I decide I don't like them. Old consoles are incredibly cheap too. I can't remember the exact prices of most of the ones I've bought but most recently an N64 cost me £8 and I saw a PlayStation in a second hand shop the other day for £2.99. My DS, Game Boy Color and original Game Boy are the only gaming machines I've ever bought new.