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I'm actually surprised how my list of "I will be getting that for Vita" games keeps growing.

I initially decided I wanted the system after it scored 3 games I really wanted to play (which are WipEout 2048, Gravity Rush, and LBP Vita). I'll be picking up those pronto, they're my 'definitely' pile.

But there's so much more that I'm really excited for. My 'maybe' pile consists of: New Little King Story which looks fantastic. Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz which looks really good (especially for £15). Assassin's Creed 3 Liberation, Uncharted Golden Abyss & Unit 13 are potential buys for me too.

And then there's next year. EDF Portable 3 (<3), Ys Celceta (PLEASE), Tearaway etc.

I'm pretty pleased. For a system I was initially going to get to act as a surrogate PSP alongside 3 really wanted games, there's so much stuff coming that I reckon I'd enjoy.

Anyhow, that's enough sucking up for now!