DS/PSP/Wii: Discontinued
Xbox 360: On its last legs. Third party support is severely cut off, and people are quickly moving over to Xbox 3 in anticipation for Halo 5 and other titles no longer supported on the console.
Xbox 3: Great sales thanks to brand recognition and strong third party support, as opposed to the aforementioned 360 version. The hardware isn't too expensive, but still not cheap enough to catch the casual crowd's interest.
PS3: Sales track only slightly below Xbox 3 thanks to continued support from Sony, who can't afford letting go of the system. (Recently gained) Full access to the growing Vita library also keeps new games coming.
PS4: Very recently released. Sales are acceptable.
PSV: Selling about half of what the PSP sold around the same time of its life-cycle. Third party support is still decent thanks to the dated hardware (from a home console point of view) and great profit margins on sold software.
Wii U: Tracking slightly behind the Wii. Third party support is still lower than the competition, but not nearly as low as the disastrous support that the Wii lived through.
3DS: Sales are about one third lower than the sales of the DS at the same time of its life cycle (which is not too bad given how the DS sold after ~three years). Third party support covers all major franchises, but pretty much nothing beyond that.