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Horrorfest said:

90% of the xbox list is garbage. No one can deny it's a fact that PS3 has a more varied and better quantity of exclusives. Also, GT5 out sold Gears 3 and will probably out sell Halo 3 and or Reach. So much for PS3 exclusives over selling, look at those Forza bundle sales :p

So much wrong with this. Exactly the kind of sentiment that brings me here.

You seem to have this sentiment that PS3 has this god library of games. Nevermind that the very gamers themselves ignore most of them. On metacritic, 360 has more 70-79 games (over 100), 80-89 games, and even 90+ games. Library > exclusives. The facts are right in front of us that 360 has more, and a better critically acclaimed library yet people like you remain in blissful ignorance.

XBLA gives 360 the variety in genres. But oh no.....a PS3 fan can only compare retail (neglecting XBLA), gamepad (neglecting Kinect since Move didnt succeed), exclusives (neglecting 360 multiplats NOT on PS3. XBLA doesnt exist, but i bet youll bring up Journey to suit your needs right? please........

You seem to put a lot of faith into GT5. What makes you compare that to Gears 3???? And its unlikely it will pass Halo 3 or Reach (which has over a million in digital sales).............nevermind what Halo has sold as a franchise this entire gen. You poke fun at Forza bundles when Sony has done bundles a lot longer then MS. Look at the Uncharted 3 bundle they are doing. Guess Sony has no faith in Uncharted since you think MS has no faith in Forza to sell on their own merits eh? But total Forza sales this gen > GT5, especially with Forza 4 bundles and Forza Horizon. Gang up effect? Not my problem, blame PD for only making 1 game per gen.

360 has more games, more better reviewed games, but the kicker is that Halo, Gears, and Forza.....from 3 seperate developers.......generate more sales then most of Sonys 1st party studios combined.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.