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Windows Phone 8 is done.  They had a launch party and everything.  BUT Microsoft has, on several occasions, made it clear that they have not revealed everything that the OS can do.  So I had been thinking about what could they possibly reveal that 1) would put them in a class of their own in the smartphone race and 2) really hasn't seen much if any coverage.  

My conclusion?  Games.

They haven't said anything about any particular games coming this fall except for the ports of Words with Friends and Draw Something.  Considering that Windows Phone 8 will support Direct X, is this really the best that they are bringing?  And while gaming on iOS is by far the most appealing of the current smartphone platforms, Apple is not in a position to attract console and portable gamers in the same fashion that Microsoft is.  They can make it their BUSINESS to put first party titles that could set the tone for gaming on WP8, and that could push 3rd parties to do the same.

Whether a Halo spinoff that's part of the new trilogy would be any good using touchscreen controls is another discussion, but what do you think about this idea?