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killerzX said:
Michael-5 said:
kain_kusanagi said:

I want a huge cut in government costs. That means closing crap like the Department of Education.

I want unions to have less power. We have all the worker's rights laws we need, now unions do nothing but costs us all money.

I want term limits for congress.

I want all our fuel resources utilized. That goes for oil, coal, coal to oil, wind, solar and most importantly nuclear.

I want congress to stop stealing money from Social Security.

I want the USA to leave the UN. The security council is a joke.

This is why the rest of the world makes fun of Americans for being dumb...I tink the Department of Education is one of the most important things needed in the USA.

im guessing you dont realize the the DOE does nothing, except waste money. it certainly doesnt educate anybody. we have over tripled spending on education in the past 3 decades, and test score have remained flat. we have nothing to show for it. nothing. we need to give control back to the states, and let them decide how to best educate kids.

Unions to have less power? Alright lets make life shit for people. Lets let Wal-Mart CEO's become richer, and the poor become poorer.

you are also demenstrating a complete lack of understanding basic economics. if businesses were run like that then they wouldnt be in business much longer. Businesses have an incentive to keep productive employees and to keep prices down for the consumer. CEO are getting richer right now and unions have death grips on many industries. its not because of lack of unions, its becuase of cronyism. Unions are corupt and care little about the workers. they only care about lining their pockets. 

Nuclear is the fuel of 70's, it's more efficient to put tons of money into solar and pave large potions of the Arizona desert with solar panel cells. In labs, solar cells are already capable of higher then 35% efficiency, that's much higher then oil (which is about 25%), and in the real life market, 20% is available, but expensive ATM.

everything you just said is wrong. we waste billions buying trying to create false markets where there simply isnt one. Solar power just isnt ready.

Leave the UN??? WOW.

yes, it is just a anti-american quasi-socialist entity that does nothing in our best interests


Instead of making ideas on how to save the US economy baised on your personal opinions, you should conside what is best for everyone. A lot of the things you meantioned here would make life shittier and more expensive for the average person, and most of your ideas do not relate to this debt issue.

1. lol. If anything we have far too much state control as it is, which is why states like Mississippi have more poorly-educated kids than, say, Indiana or Wisconsin. We need to go the Japanese route on education: all power to the department of education which dictates directly to the school districts, with no local school boards and no state control in education.

One of the things the Japanese have gotten right, in any event.

2. The simplest approach here is an "all of the above" energy strategy, which focuses on cultivating existing energy infrastructures while slowly tightening carbon emissions regulations, and putting more R&D into sustainable solutions. Coal and oil in the short term, nuclear as a mid-term investment, wind, solar, and biodiesel as the long-term solutions.

3. In simplest terms, the UN has no authority over the United States. There is no good reason for us to leave the UN, since it is a tool through which we can excercise our diplomatic power (through the security council. Much as everyone bitches about Russian/Chinese obstinance, we do it too when it suits our interests). Most of what the UN is able to do is generally some common-sense stuff, like UNESCO or providing peacekeeping forces in nonaligned third world countries where they are generally most useful. The whole "UN is a socialist threat to America" is such utterly false crap.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.