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McDonaldsGuy said:

Obama has no clue what he's doing. In this video, he criticized Bush for "taking out a credit card from the bank of China" and "driving up our national debt." In Bush's 8 years of Presidency, Bush racked up a phenomenal $4 trillion in debt. That was the record.

That was the record. Obama has no racked up $7 trillion in debt in just 4 years. God knows what will happen when he is re-elected - god help us.


Obama is clueless as hell, as was Bush - but they are anti-American so they can get away with it. Someone who wants to SAVE America has no chance at the Presidency. Here are some ways to help save the American economy

- Tariffs

Tariffs ensure that the home country has the best advantage over outside competitors. Everything is made in China now - even American flags. Tariffs keep the jobs at home. Free trade just allows companies to ship jobs out of the country and use a cheaper labor force to produce goods then sell them here.

- Protectionism

Protectionism is important because America has run five straight record trade  deficits and has caused 3 million manufacturing jobs to be lost, with thousands of factories gone. Nations rise on economic nationalism, then they descend on free trade. If you run a trade deficit year after year like America is the nation will eventually go bust and other countries who have had a trade surplus year after year will have bought everything of value in America with their surplus cash at knockdown prices. China now holds over a trillion dollars in U.S. bonds and about 1.5 billion in USD.

- End illegal immigration

The stereotype of an illegal immigrant is someone who works in agriculture. No longer is that stereotype true - illegals now work in blue collar type jobs such as an electrician, a construction worker, a plumber, in the factories America does have, etc. etc. then they dominate the hospitality industry in many U.S. states. In fact, only 3% of illegals work in agriculture! California has a crumbling economy because of this issue. If we put a halt to illegal immigration and enforce laws, our economy will slowly spring back up.

There are other ways as well - raise taxes, cut spending, rebuild our infrastracture, etc. etc. but these 3 are HUGE and require immediate attention!

What do you guys think?


Tariffs ensure that we pay more for our the goods and services that we purchase.  It makes companies in the United States more competitive than companies outside of the U.S., for goods sold in the U.S.  The problem is that all consumers who purchase the goods made in the U.S. will have to pay  more for their goods.  Jobs will be created in the U.S., but the resources that our country used to produce these goods could have been better used for something that our country is more competitive at making.  We should produce that which we are most competant at producing, and if other countries produce something better than us, we should not focus on such goods, but rather, on those things that we produce best.  To artificially try to make our industries more competitive is actually to stifle our economy as a whole.

Tariffs are a subset of protectionism, and the same arguments seem to apply to protectionism as applied to tariffs.  For when we are protecting our home industries, we are effectively preventing competition from outside nations.  Since our economy is not subject to competition, we will lose competitiveness abroad, seeing as our companies will have no incentive to compete, being shielded by the government from that which spurs innovation, that is, the competitive process itself.  Therefore, by seeking to protect our industries, we are lowering our standards, and will be outperformed by the rest of the world.

As for enforcing illegal immigration laws to fix our economy, I don't think you have any idea what you are saying.  For you see, when we allow illegal immigrants into our country to work, they will work those jobs only that the market sees them as more fit for working than U.S.Americans, and so will help our economy to increase efficiency and production.  Therefore, allowing illegal immigrants into our country is a boon for local industry.  Now the problem that arises is this - U.S.Americans do not want to have jobs stolen from them from within their own country.  For the welfare of the constituents of this country it may be best that we enforce immigration laws.  With stricter enforcement of these laws, the companies who choose to employ Americans will have to adapt to what is actually available in America, and so actual Americans will benefit by way of more jobs.  But of course, those Americans who CAN compete in an economy where illegal immigration is not stopped, or immigration procedures are loosened, benefit from illegal immigration, as goods are produced and sold more cheaply.  Therefore, an increase in immigration from other nations is good for the most competitive Americans and bad for the least competitive Americans, while a decrease is  bad for the most competitive Americans and good for the least.  Now you may choose which ones you prefer.