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The entire idea of who you most want to have a beer with has been raised and factored into electing a president. It ideally shouldn't be about who you most connect with, but who you feel is most competent to do the job. But, it isn't. Elitism has been slammed pretty much, so people running for office get knocked for being smart, or better than others.

Thing about, on the issues, show polls which issues. The whole "we need smaller government", is so vague, that it sounds nice and people will agree with it. BUT, when asked HOW you want government to be smaller, specifics aren't mentioned really, and certainly NOT with the services people get. People are far less eager to end up having what the government does for them taken away, so it is taken away from others also.

Now, does someone want to take the 47% message and reframe it this way, that there is a need for America to tackle problems now, without the government involved, and get involved more? Done right, that can be a sell. But, when framed the way it is now, which results in pretty much one side saying upper end needs more tax cuts, and the poor need to pay more, then it isn't going to fly, nor should it. Same with scapegoating the 47% and saying they are all dependent. Also, when discussing an increased need for volunteerism, that ended up getting yelled at and shot down (if not ignored) by advocates of smaller government.

And, you need to add to the top of this a narrative of legitimate home, and showing people it can be done, and be done. It needs to be a positive message. This positive message is hard to find, when people don't have answers. Heck, I see how hard it is, trying to even do community building on my own.

By the way, for you to say I state "government is the only think we all belong to" is pretty shallow and misses a bunch.  I had said that government will get involved in things and do things that politicans see will get them votes if a nation fails to do them on their own.  While government isn't the only think all a nation belongs to, it is at least one thing all of a nation belongs to, and if other organizations and systems aren't in place in a society, to do needed things, government will grow more powerful, and become more of the end all and be all.  And yes, doing this can set processes in motion that continue.  But, one has to get other things in place to reverse things.