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CCFanboy said:
Pjams said:
I bet they'll port the trilogy to WiiU, but only after everyone buys ME3 first.

This. If they didn't believe it would sell it wouldn't be on there in the first place. Ignore wii u getting mass effect 3 and you'll see this whole trilogy is just a way to milk the game. I doubt mass effect 1 will have much (if any) effort put into it and will likely compare worse to the later games that were built to the strengths of ps3.

Truthfully mass effect 3 on wii u and the trilogy as a whole is just one last cash grab before moving on. Lets face it, even with mass effect 3 on wii u who will really care about the game as a whole on wii u or ps3? I care and will buy it but how many really will? The time when this would have had a much bigger impact has passed by and on all systems but 360 I think its too late to make any big impact on any side. This is all just ea making cash grabs for the series from as many platforms as possible.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the mass effect trilogy on 360 sold more than the trilogy on ps3 and mass effect 3 wii u combined. Still I'll be getting this on wii u regardless. I hope others will be joining me.

I own all three on PC and 360, I plan on buying the trilogy for PS3 as well. I am getting the WiiU but I don't plan on buying ME3 for it. Unless the  WiiU controller truly enhances the experience.