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Final-Fan said:
badgenome said:
Final-Fan said:

RH gave a pretty good answer to this, but another answer would be that the accusation you claim others have made of you is no more ridiculous than your own smears of others. 

"I claim"? It was right in his fucking post. He said it repeatedly.

And yeah, I actually do think it's more ridiculous. I don't think that lefties have bad intentions. I think they're just incredibly foolish. But if you truly believe that someone is arguing in bad faith because they actually want bad things to happen then no conversation can be had.

I think he didn't mean that you WANT people to starve -- but that you want policy that would, in fact, result in starvation, whether or not you realize it.  That does not necessarily mean he thinks you are arguing in bad faith.  "You claim" he does. 

For a number of reasons, people don't want other to starve.  There is a reality though, that policies and beliefs have consequences, and that can result in people starving.  It can also be, as I said, that push comes to shove, a person will end up accepting starving as a reality, out of neglect, or belief that things are futile.  They may not even think of such happening.  Pretty much, it can be someone doesn't long for it, but they are apathetic to it.  And one strong thing coming through this whole 47% thing, is that there is apparently beliefs that the 47% (or may be less) are lazy good for nothing bums, who don't want to work or take responsibility for themselves.  And such individuals should starve.  Heck, look at the line Romney said in the quote.  There is a percentage of people who EXPECT to be able to get food, and are dependent on the government.  These people are the individuals who won't take responsibility for themselves, is the line.

Heck, I had one guy reply to my situation saying I should kill myself so his taxes would be lower.  This is a mentality out there.   And from a practical standpoint, while maybe people do not want it to happen, it can happen.  Heck, the guy who said that about my situation I guess didn't realize the manager of the helpdesk I was at that closed, and put me on unemployment, did take his own life after it was over.