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Congrats DGC! :D PS+ is indeed amazing..can't wait for it to hit vita


on a negative note's a post from GAF

"Superbot severely fucked up with the beta leak and instead of acknowledging it and just saving a few choice reveals like Raiden for last, they mindlessly revealed a bunch of characters and then used Paul Gale as a community manager of sorts to keep the base interested by teasing non-existent reveals. Since Gale isn't technically a Superbot employee, they know that they won't et shit if they throw out false hype.

Sadly, the Paul Gale shit has all but been a scapegoat for the larger problem, the PR team is having severe issues marketing the game and while I am still there day one for this, it's being primed for failure this holiday.

EDIT: I can now confirm that the internal reasoning for the massive Sony PR layoff a few weeks back was due largely in part to the handling of this game."


but on to two positive notes

and also a user posted a very nice and detailed user impression



In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

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