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StokedUp said:
So now what happens with Sauber?
I think there's a chance they will promote Esteban Gutierrez from GP2 into a F1 race seat. Then maybe have Kamui Kobayashi/Esteban Gutierrez.
If not then i think it could be Kamui Kobayashi/alguersuari.

Im not sure how good perez will do with Mclaren, obviously he will be up there cuz he's in the right car to do so but whether he will out perform Button im not sure.
I think Perez 3 podiums have put a sort of false skill than how he normally races.. 2 of those results were all down to amazing thought out strategy from sauber, Putting him on hard tyres for a loooong period of time then when putting him on nthe fast option tyres for the remainder of the race while everybody else has got older tyres, he manages to race through on fresh rubber.

it si kind of a risk from mclaren perez is untested really and button isn't the fastest as hamilton proves,i mean to me vettel,alonso,hamilton,raikkonen are probably the fastest/best drivers,i like button persoanlly but it doesn't mean he wins all the time,what with losing mercedes engines and hamilton Mclaren could be on the fade if they are not careful,

how much money did/does perez bring/have for sauber/mclaren do you think,i'd say sauber need a driver who brings money or weight maybe they'll take a massa,did schumacher resign

did algueurshari really light things up,wonder how long sauber will take to say who they sign

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