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S.T.A.G.E. said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
sales2099 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Corey said:


So first 2 paragraphs talk about a never ending story arch. ok. That doesnt address my point that Gears will last the generation with Judgement (and you for some reason doubting that). I also said you think Gears is being milked when there are currently more Uncharted games out now. These 2 points have nothing to do with story arcs.

In regards to story arcs........Gears of War lore has a 80 year war called the pendulum wars that predated Eday. E day till end of Gears 3 took 15 years.Hell they can pull a Halo 4 and make a new sequel trilogy somehow. Point is I think you need to learn that Gears has a vast time period to exploit a few more games out of at least. Think about that next time you say the story arc is over.

No argument about Halo. Seems to be going in the right direction with a heavier emphasis on story. As a Halo fan and a avid reader of all the novels, its a welcome developement.

You seem to have this issue with corporations actually "making" their games. Yes MS doesnt have many 1st party studios and they have opened up some new ones this gen. But they do secure games buy making deals with 3rd parties.In the end, the result is the same: 360 gets games that Nintendo or Sony dont get. What does it matter to you if it was made by MS employees or not? Again, the result is the same.

Im not saying Gears wont last through til the end of this generation. I am saying it dont think it will get past it and if they do Microsoft would have to pay them a large sum to force a hole in the finite story they already have (In the game that is) which has already reached closure much like God of War. The difference as well between Sony doing it and Microsoft doing it is they are standing in the way of Epic focusing on larger new IP's. If they bought Epic then by all means, its not like Epic didnt say they wanted to focus on PC games next gen (Yes...yes they did). They gave closure to the story of Marcus Fenix and come on Marcus was the heart and soul of the franchise. His leadership helped the supporting characters. Milking has everything to do with the validity of the storyline. Super Mario and Zelda have been milked to death in this case, but why does no one care? Its because it has no story arch or ending moment that retires the character. It is just not provided...those characters can last forever. In the same vein Nathan Drake can have hundreds of missions and adventures because this world clearly has so many historical myths, legends and archeology stories. They could even make up one but have used historical ones as well. Nathan Drake has clearly become a staple mascot for Sony.

The pendulum wars bit makes sense though, but it seems like Epic is content unless Microsoft pays them. Closure has been brought to the story and Halo never had closure, because everyone knew Master Chief would be brought out of cryo sleep whenever Cortana needed him. This was hinted at earlier in the gen. Again, Cliff Blezsinski has said that Gears will last as long as Microsofts pockets run on Gametrailers numerous times. Judgement may be cannon but the media regarded it as a spin-off, especially being that it was handed to People Can Fly. I am sure Epic has bigger fish to fry with the PC crowd next gen as they've said before.

Again there is much room for prequels alone. People Can Fly is making Judgement.....freeing up Epic as we speak. You know this and yet you still said that Epic resources would be tied up with gears when clearly those reigns have been handed off now.

Multiplayer is the heart and soul of the franchise. Most people dismissed Gears as a good story (which is disapointing).

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