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kingofwale said:
>Um, can somebody explain to me how Nintendo si supposed to spend "500k" to advertise a game they didn't develop or publish?

it's the best and most hardcore game on the console, and it gets NO promotion whatsoever.

I remember seeing DMC4 ads promoted by Microsoft, Microsoft regularly does this on third party games, and even multiplatform games. why shouldn't Nintendo? especially now that actually want to solve the so-called 'complain'

Probably because Nintendo doesn't have to pay Japanese developers to put games on their console.

The fact of the matter is that Ubisoft is the publisher and that advertising was their job. They didn't advertise it because they wanted to avoid a Manhunt 2 fiasco but it's stillthem dropping the ball, so how exactly does their unwillingness to advertise a game automatically turn into blame against Nintendo when they have nothing to do with it? They've already got Suda locked in for Fatal Frame 4, they really don't have to give hi mand every other developer a free ride because some angry person on the forums thinks so.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"