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I agree with what most are saying here. No, it's not ideal that Japan gets most products first, but it's understandable. I imagine if Nintendo had localization teams working side by side with their Japanese studios on every project, it would really complicate things. More people involved on one project, means more communication between teams at once, and also more corrections on game and dialogue changes to be made. I think this is actually less of a problem for Nintendo than many companies, since they don't have to censor much of their content or do much voice recording for their games.

It just seems more natural and efficient doing it as they have been. But really, the gap between Japan and American releases seems to be shrinking, so I think it's far less an issue than it once was. Some of the gaps you cited are practically due entirely to supply issues(Brawl and Wii Fit). The gap between the Japanese and American releases for Galaxy and Brawl really aren't very large at all. I do wish they would hurry up with the Everybody's Nintendo Channel though. :)

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."