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Honestly I haven't understood the negativity surrounding Blue Dragon. The sales are not as dismal as some seem to believe, and the game has had solid review scores. Perhaps not fantastic scores, but an average 8/10 is not anything to brush off. I wouldn't ascribe the term fizzle to it thats for sure given the number of games that struggle just to cross the quarter million mark every year.

When I look at Lost Odyssey I say to myself if its as good as Blue Dragon then it is well worth getting. Blue Dragon may have not seen stratospheric sales, and it might have been derided by many with twisted motives, but the game was well worth the sixty dollars I shelled out for it. Given I have played it for over seventy hours at this point, and the first run through took over fifty hours. Hell if only some of the other games I have bought recently held me in their grasp that long.

The only question for me is this would those who have played it say it was better, worse, or on par with Blue Dragon. Not looking for a parallel of taste just whether the quality is there.