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chocoloco said:
Just noting there has been a further shift towards the blue in the polls. Now approaching a 4 % nation wide lead for Obama. A lead that historically has been hard to overtake for any presidential candidate this late in the game. This is especially notable in the battleground states including big ones like Florida, and Ohio.

As of this moment, Romney will lose the election...albeit not by much.  The debates are really the only thing Romney could do to turn the election in his favor.  He'll really have to do something miraculous at the debates to come out of them a stronger candidate.  The trouble is, as with most Republicans, is the mainstream of the party doesn't seem to stand for anything.  Too afraid to be truly conservative or libertarian, thereby confusing Independents who might be looking for change, and even worse, turning off the conservatives and libertarians.

The only other thing that might change the race is if there is an October surprise that hurts Obama.  No idea what it could be, but someone will try to make one up even if there isn't one.