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you claim the poor sales (relatively to the quality of the game) ofno more heroes and Z&W was due to supply restrain/sold out


Uh, the fact that they're sold out and noone can find a copy?

because frankly, I'm sick of the "Oh, it was because they didn't have any to sell"

No More Heroes sold 600 copies in Japan 2 weeks ago, I don't think it was because of any restrain at all

And yet NMH outsold every other Suda 51 game in Japan.

And you're shitting bricks because...?

I'm tired of fanboys screaming and shitting over games they don't care about, the people getting the most hostile about Zack & Wiki and No More Heroes don't even fucking own a Wii. Shut your goddamn mouth, all your scheming and spinning in the world isn't going to change anything. The fact of the matter is that Zack & Wiki is a budget title with impressive sales in Europe that is easily going to blow it past a quarter of a million, quite a feat for a game with no adverstiing that retailers wouldn't even stock. People keep clinging desperately to NMH Japanese sales like a bad relationship just completely ignoring that this is probably the most successful Suda 51 game to date which sold through 40k of the first shipment of 50k in NA with a massive marketing campaign ramping up for the EU release. You fanboys need to get over yourself, stop bringing games down for your goddamn petty agendas. STFU.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"