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GooseGaws said:
Sales =/= quality.

Rock Band is better than GH in so many ways, it's embarrassing. I'm sure they'll release a new RB game in due time, but DLC allows one to pick and choose songs that they like, rather than getting a handful of good songs and a whole lot of mediocre songs.

Your opinion =/= fact. Guitar Hero 3 is absolutely better than anything rockband can offer for my money. I enjoy both, and they bot h rock hard don't get me wrong. I just love the guitar parts the most out of both. Even when playing with friends I mostly stick with either guitar or bass because that is where the fun is for me. Rock Bands guitar parts are stupidly easy and not nearly as interesting over all as Guitar Hero. The problem is we are not in a battle of opinion and there is no purely objective way to decide who is better. What you can judge on though is popularity. Guitar Hero selling more than Rock Band will cause Rock Band to look at what they did differently and adapt. That is just the way competition works. Guitar Hero is likely to rip a few things off Rock Band as well, but being the better selling game it has less reason to adapt. That is why it is the definitive version right now as well. Which ever sells the most will be the one the industry gravitates towards. Notice the 1,001 Final Fantasy rip offs that have spawned through the ages. Also, the mediocre songs tend to go on to be my favorites over all. Plus what I think is mediocre or even hate my friends might love beyond all else. I will take the large pack of songs that would cost way more sold individually (with 60ish songs costing $120 rather than $50) so that there is a great variety that everyone can love. I use the games mostly as a party tool though so that slants me more to the buy in bulk and figure out what is popular in my circle.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229