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ils411 said:
ikol said:
I never understood that line of logic. I've played plenty of portable games that I put more hours in than a console game. So what about them makes them only worth half price or less?

The logic here is that it cost less to produce a handheld game as oppose to a home console. with the smaller screens, models doesn't hace to have a lot of polygons which means less work for the graphic artists. Less polygons would also mean that less optimization will have to be done which translates to less work for programers. less manhours = lower development costs. 

Lets take some psn as examples. Mutant blob attacks = cartoony graphics = not much man hours needed = less cost = lower development cost. Another example would Dead or Alive dimensions for the 3Ds, it looks great but its very obvious that the models has significantly less polygons as compared to its home console counter part = less man hours needed from the graphic artis = less man hours needed from programers = lower development costs.

If you really want a bunch of examples, just look at the ds' game library, many of its games uses sprites = a whole lot less manhours needed from graphic artists as oppose to 3d models = less manhours from programers = lower development cost.

Sooooo....lower development cost = should be cheaper. I know that $35-$40 is cheapper as compared to the PS3s $50-$60 range, but still, how does Soney expect to compete with tablets and smart phones when pricing is so high? Sure, PS mobile is their answer to that but I'm sceptical that games will be of very good quality. It'll probably be the new minis, which are ok but really looks ugly.

Lower price = more people can afford it = less chance of piracy = more money in Sony's pockets. Honestly, I really wonder why they cant see this.


Have you seen the number of people involved in LBP PS Vita? This game must have had a larger budget than a lot of PS3 titles. I understand the sentiment, however if you are getting full blown console experience (infact, better) you're going to have to stump up the money for it.

A lot of games such as New Little Kings Story have more to them than the full price retail Wii version had a couple of years ago. It doesn't surprise me that these games are full price really, and at least in the case of Little Big Planet, totally worth the entry price.

I think the costs involved in making some of these Vita titles are higher than you first realise. However it would be great to get more simpler cheaper games too and I think games such as Resistance do need a rethink on their price point. I remember at launch there were all these different pricing tiers for games, but lately they all seem to have gravitated towards the top end.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.