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HappySqurriel said:

While I don't doubt that the game engines are developed over 2 or 3 years, I would be surprised if the core team was (much) larger than 10 people throughout most of the project. They are huge pieces of software, most often measured in the hundreds of thousands of lines of code, but they're not that big. Consider that the Quake 3 engine had 230,000 lines of code, and at 50 people working for 3 years this would work out to about 7 lines of code a day; and a good programmer (depending on the language and the difficulty of the problem) can probably write between 100 and 1000 lines of code a day.

There's more of software developing than just pure code, there are interfaces, databases (which by itself can be pretty complex), manuals and other stuff. Measuring the time of a software develop time by how many lines of codes you can do in 1 day it's not pretty accurate, specially in a game engine.

Nintendo and PC gamer