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The main reason for obesity in children is very bad eating habits, most of it learned from their parents or due to parental apathy. Children are usually unable to make good decisions in this area on their own. Even worse, eating habits learned as children usually stick with a person into adulthood.

I used to work at a convenience store. I cannot tell you how many times I saw the same parents every day bring their children in for breakfast, after-school snacks, and even dinner. A honey-bun and a soda in the morning is not good at all, and is neither letting your children pick out whatever they want and calling it dinner. And no, trying to explain it away to the cashier as "I'm too tired to cook, lol" does not cut it, not when you do the same thing on a continual basis. We had another lady, a very nice woman, who could not say "no" to her children, so they had the tradition of getting a snack EVERY SINGLE TIME they came to the store, which was basically every day. As you might imagine, all three children were fat and on the way to obese.

So, yeah, I have no problem at all with kids getting one healthy meal a day, because it's the only shot at nutrition some of them are going to see.