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richardhutnik said:
Kasz216 said:


I just explained how a voter ID would stop people who registered illegaly!

People register illegally because you don't have to show proof you are a US citizen.

The strict voter ID laws require you to show US Citizenship to prove who you are...


Here... let me give you an example.

Say Wayne Gretzky flys down to florida from canada and registers to vote.  He checks the box saying he's a US Citizen.


Now Wayne Gretzky goes to vote on voting day....


To vote... Wayne Gretzky will need to prove he's Wayne Gretzky by showing a Drivers liscense or State ID that


To get a State Picture ID,  Wayne Gretzky will need to provide his birth certificate and social security number.


Wayne Gretzky will NOT be able to produce either of these.


So despite registering illegally Wayne Gretzky can't vote, because he can't prove he's Wayne Gretzky.

An ID isn't going to catch this.  An ID is used to identify a person as who they are.  If the registration system is sloppy, as is seen with the report I posted, then having the person present an ID isn't going to catch it.

Why wouldn't it?

In the post you JUST quoted, I posted exactly why it would.

You have offered no reason why this wouldn't be the case.


As for absentee balloting?   How about you need to present your ID to be given an Absentee ballot?

Not that hard really.