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I present to you this horrible PR video advertisement, for a videogame.

This, in my humble opinion, reflects everything wrong with modern mainstream videogames' advertisement and presence in the market.

This game is not being sold on its own merits, there is no explanation of what the game  You don't understand the game mechanics. You don't know its length, whether it has a story, any explanation of the featureset it may or may not have.

This game is being sold as a life style product. 

As a cigarette company may advertise cigarettes: "We are no longer advertising what you get when you buy the product, instead we advertise who you are when you buy the product." So do certain companies advertise modern videogames.

"This hardcore game with bearded men and shootbang? Fucking awesome. If you consider yourself a real gamer, you have no excuse to not pick this up." 

Now just watch as the quality of these games decreases and decreases as this endemic marketing BS becomes more important than the videogame itself. Well, it's already happening.