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Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:

Racism i'm using as a stand-in term for various negative "isms" that are going on in here.

For one, the Republicans *know* that the only reason they have a shot in Pennsylvania this time around is because of the Voter ID law (Romney's been saying this). That right there should tell you something.

Secondly, when the burden of proof is placed on the state to prove that they can get everyone an ID in time for the election, the state generally fails the test. The only reason these laws have been holding up in court is that the burden of proof is on the plaintiff for some reason.

Before this Voter ID nonsense, absentee balloting was the easy way for those without access to get access such that getting to the polling place wasn't even a thing. Now, of course, you need a birth certificate...

So in otherwords.   You have no problems with voter ID laws, so long as they effect the next election and not this one?

Also, all that statement tells me is that Republcians think democrats are more likely to comit voter fraud.

Which, I can see why, the big cases always seemingly having to do with Democratic voter registration instituions and democrats being agaisnt basic common sense government issued photo ID voting laws that 74% of the country supports.

In part. It may well be that our state courts rule the law is constitutionally valid, but has to be suspended for this election because it will be impossible for PENNDOT or the State Department to get everyone supplied in time.

I am opposed to the laws because their intent is malevolent, and because the laws are unfeasible against the realities of the day (which the people proposing these laws *know,* hence the malevolence).

At the end of the day i do support some sort of national ID system, something that could serve as an all-in-one or something

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.