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Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:
Kasz216 said:
Mr Khan said:

It's days are numbered in Pennsylvania, hopefully.

It's racist to not let illegal aliens vote?

Voter ID laws in general, not their ability or inability to prevent illegal aliens from voting.

You keep saying this... yet not even you believe it on a good day when your being less partisian.  (You've admitted it's not racist in many threads.)

Explain how Voter ID laws are more racist then voting locations.

Afterall, not every voting location is within walking distance.   Therefore people who need to catch a bus or drive a car there are paying an illegal poll tax right?   And since minorities are more likely to be poor, this puts a higher burden on them....

So racist right?  


Actually I guess that makes every buisness that doesn't have a location within walking distance of evebrody racist.


Are taxes on cigarrettes racist because most minorities groups are more likely to smoke?

Racism i'm using as a stand-in term for various negative "isms" that are going on in here.

For one, the Republicans *know* that the only reason they have a shot in Pennsylvania this time around is because of the Voter ID law (Romney's been saying this). That right there should tell you something.

Secondly, when the burden of proof is placed on the state to prove that they can get everyone an ID in time for the election, the state generally fails the test. The only reason these laws have been holding up in court is that the burden of proof is on the plaintiff for some reason.

Before this Voter ID nonsense, absentee balloting was the easy way for those without access to get access such that getting to the polling place wasn't even a thing. Now, of course, you need a birth certificate...

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.