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crissindahouse said:
Kasz216 said:
crissindahouse said:
every citizen who is allowed to vote could get a mail with information when and where the citizen can vote on election day weeks before election day. when this person wants to vote, this person has to show some people sitting at the polling place his id, they check in a list if he is in the list and allow him to vote then and his name will get crossed in the list so he can't come a second time (but i believe that#s already not possible right?)

that system works pretty easy, don't know why you have problems with illegal votes in usa. only people allowed to vote even get the mail, if you go to vote then or not is your problem.

It's possible, it's just democrats think it's racist.

Well... except in places like Deleware where Democrats passed the exact same damn law.

why is that racist?

Because democrats are more likely to gain from voter fraud mostly.

The claim is... it's racist because if you aren't white your more likely to be poor.   Therefore you are working and have less time to spend getting an ID... and you have to pay money to take the bus to go to the ID places in some areas.   Making it a tax on voting equal to the poll taxes they had in the south to prevent black slaves from voting.

Or something....