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Not to be a buzzkill or anything...but that tweet was from 2011. Not saying its still not happening but...its not exactly recent. :/ I do think having a GTA or anything by Rockstar would mean insane sales/publicity for the Vita though. That'd def. be a system seller for sure.

Sigh. I wish I didn't have all these bills to pay off...and a car to buy cuz I wantz a Vita so bad! I haven't had a handheld since my Gameboy Advance SP and that was, well, awhile ago. Lol. Ys Celceta for some reason is really piquing my interest too. I've been oddly interested in its localization for a couple of weeks now. Something about the game just says "PLAY ME!" Heh.

What are the odds of Sony revisiting one of their previous ad campaigns? I was thinking either the "Ask Playstation" or just Kevin Butler in general might help too. I know it wouldn't be that innovative and some certain, select peoples would probably bash it, but I could see it helping tremendously. Cuz as of now...there is no advertising campaign whatsoever for the Vita...or at least, not in America. Europe seems to be doing ok now and Japan is, well, Japan. Lol.