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After reading this thread I have come to understand what I dislike about politics.

1) People hear outrageous propaganda and eat it up only to regurgitate it later so someone else can eat it up and continue the cycle ad nauseum.
2) Facts are twisted, and warped until they say what people want them to.
2) Everybody wants a candidate who will get things done but nobody is willing to allow a compromise on their issues. Everyone thinks they are precisely right and there is no two ways about it, anyone who thinks differently then them is an idiot.
3) People completely drop civility and respect for each other and instead take on a pompous and assuming attitude. Every time I talk politics with someone its as if I'm speaking with someone who believes themselves omniscient and if I don't take on the same facade I risk being trampled by arrogance.
4) Most of all I don't like the fact that to discuss politics I either have to do all of these things I've listed or my voice is drowned out.

It just feels like a room full of people and rather than talking one at a time we scream so that nobody is heard at all. Frustration doesn't even begin to describe how I feel about the current political climate, and while everyone else is frustrated about this issue or that I'm frustrated that everyone is so damn intent on making sure their issue is dealt with first that nobody gets anything done.

I don't even know what the solution is to this clusertf@#& but I know nobody has the balls to get it done anyways so it doesn't matter.

/end rant

..dont mind me...

To Each Man, Responsibility