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JazzB1987 said:
Wouldnt it be stupid to like give them your ID etc and then vote? And the next day the party van is taking you to the desert or something?

Because you voted for the "wrong" person?

Maybe I am misunderstanding you.  The way the ID laws work is you show you ID when you do vote, and you keep your ID.

Apparently though, if there is voter fraud, it very seldom involves the part of people pretending to be others when voting.  There have been issues raised with the Diebold voting machines and others though.  And the video I posted did show that when non-citizens did register, they were able to gain the right to vote, eventhough they shouldn't have.  And both political parties are yelling about people being denied the ability to have their votes counted that should.  I saw one GOP site complaining about absintee ballots of military people being thrown out, they said should be counted.  This was back in 2000.

Very little of this has do with voter integrity.  It is all about getting votes for your side to count.  Like, I believe in Ohio, the GOP only wanted to give the right to vote early to military folk only and the Democrats wanted it to be everyone.