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badgenome said:
steverhcp02 said:

@ the bold. Once someone starts with the talkign points "liberal media" then my interest wanes. But that little ditty with the swear words shows some pizzaz but once you come to terms with reality and that Obama will be re-elected the aggression should subside.

@ the edit. Well ive done peer interviews to hire people at my Hospital. I sit down ask direct questions related to the position theyll be hired to and get direct answers. I dont have them send in 30 second clips of why the other potential hire is a communist or a neo-con and hire them to a 4 year contract without sitting face to face so id argue youre wrong.

@ overal discussion. Dont belittle other peoples opinions on a forum (asking a lot i know). I wasnt argueing tax definitions i simply pointed out my opinion on the comment in the context of reality. You show a lack of control which doesnt suit your argument, Once you and many others realize we arent swaying ideas and we will all walk away from these screens back to our lives with the same believes we are simply venting and looking for public approval from others, this will be a better healthier debate.

I am not "wrong" at all. I was simply pointing out my amusement of his comments which were this: He lumps all who pay no income tax/have benefits (47%) as not taking initiative, responsibility of their lives etc. I simply pointed out he only pays taxes on his money making him more money. If a Republican colleague Newt Gingrich were to enact his tax plan of 0% capital gains, Romney ADMITTED he would pay an effective rate of 0%. Which i found humerous because its not that outlandish that at one point Newt was on the verge of being nominee and then Romney could tell himself he needs to take personal responsibility for his life, thats all.

If I am belittling your opinion, it's only because it's a remarkably silly one. "All it would take for Romney to pay 0% income tax is for us to tax his income at 0%! LOLOL!"

And once again, where you were wrong is when you said that Romney is currently paying little to no income taxes at the moment - indicating that you believe that the capital gains tax is not an income tax. It is, and if you've ever seen a tax form you should know this, so you were wrong. It is really quite cringe-inducing to watch someone be so obviously wrong and still deny it, so please, please stop this madness. You don't even have to make a mea culpa or anything. Just stop.

What matters isn't what things are labelled, but what is paid in taxes.  Ok, fine, Romney's capital gains are income.  So, because of who he is, on an upper end, his income is treated at a lower rate than others.  And the point here is that, under what Newt proposed, he would of paid NO income tax.  Do you really want to say what he paid was income taxes?

And a funny thing about Romney, is that apparently he underreported his charitable deductions so that he would pay more taxes... while he is running for president.  He apparently didn't want to get the amount of taxes he paid under 11%: