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Romney claimed to lack elegance in what he was trying to say, which was the problem. I am going to try to more accurately frame what is going on here, and explain maybe make it make more sense.

The 47% comment, makes more sense when connected with what people believe, rather than there state. There is, say around half the people, who believe a nation collectively rises and falls, and is locked into it. They believe that there is mutual dependency, and believe that the government has a role in making this happen. This 47% will NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER vote for Romney. On the other side, you have a core base that believes that individuals rise and fall on their own, and where they are is completely their fault alone. This core base will respond to Romney's message, and NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER vote for the Democrats, because this core sees anything remotely saying people rising and falling together as "Socialism", to any degree. In the middle, is what is battled over. With Romney this is seen as 5-10%, and where the battleground is.

And I would say, this is where the battle lines are in this election. What you see is all about this and that is what it is. What is seen as America's values is becoming defined here. And the question is: Are people where they are because of collective condition of America, or because of themselves alone? This question need not be just one or the other, but can be a mix, although I am sure there is a desire for the political parties to frame it as either/or.