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madskillz said:
LOL John Lucas ... I voted for him here in the desert. Hillary's coming on strong ... Jabroni ... LOL ...

Stone Cold Hillary Clinton, Barack tells ya this. You run your mouth like you're a big shot like you're Barack...but obviously you're not. What Barack plans on doin' is raisin' the Nation's profile. He plans on de-taxin' ya with the Barack Bottom. And Barack will proceed to lay the smack down on your candidate ass with...THE MOST electrifying move in political entertainment today...the People's Escrow.

So Barack's gonna prove it ta you, you, this goof punditin' the camera, this chick gawkin' at Barack...exactly WHY Barack IS The Great One, EXACTLY why Barack IS The Chosen One, AND WHY BARACK IS, without a shadow of a doubt, THEEEEE *BEST* Damn United States President...there ever was....

If Ya Smell-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-LOWWW What BaRACK....Is Cookin'.

John Lucas 

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot