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I think a hardcore game is a game that maintains a ridiculously loyal and devoted fan base. The games are quality, definitely not crappily done games (shovelware, see: Wii). Graphics are not really important in making a game hardcore. Also, being able to sell regardless of advertising dollars spent on it would indicate a hardcore fanbase (see: Halo, not completely, it would have sold well without the ridiculous advertsing, but not that well). It might have more to do with the fanbase than the game actually. A hardcore player would seem to be someone who knows more than the average gamer about video games (most people on this site, I would say), plays more than the average gamer (this is a loose rule imo, sometimes you just have other things to do), and would go to greater lengths to play a game. Also, it is someone who is informed about the things they buy, not people who buy things and are taken aback by the fact that their purchase is teh suck. I think anyone who cares a great deal about video games (not someone who buys a system simply because it's cheap or because you want it in case they're is ABSOLUTELY nothing else to do).

**Not flame bait** People may get pissed, but I think many would agree that the greatest percentage of non-hardcore players are on the Wii. The fact that it is seen by many as a "party machine" or provides a social playing experience does not make the Wii fanbase this way. It's because it's the cheapest and, lets be serious, there is a crapload of shovelware on the system right now. The new fanbase achieved by the Wii is not hardcore(old people, newcomers who no little about games). Don't get me wrong, there are also a lot of hardcore people on there, but I think the percentages are greater on the PS3 and Xbox 360.