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Tridrakious said:
ils411 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Runa216 said:
Nothing on Ragnarok Oddyssey? Can anyone tell me about how long it is in hours?

Don't think anyone here has imported it (wait actually I think someone did :S I can't recall...was it ils?)...and I haven't seen any info on how long the game is either..but I'm sure it's pretty long 

Before I leave Soney behind forever, coz i do not appreciate being robbed, I'll answer this, coz, you guys are my bros..

There are 9 chapters total and each chapter has about 9-10 quests. Each quest, took me on average about 6-10 min to complete, depending on the dificulty. You'll also have to account for failing quests, which will happen a lot since some of the boss monsters are just unforgiving. Anyway, taking into account failing quests and farming for better cards and weapons, then subracting the amount of time i spent being crazy and trying to expand every single costume, I think it took me about 35ish hours to complete all 9 story chapters. Then there's the extra equests which is UNFORGIVING! I'm already 150+ hours in and have yet to complete half of the extra quests. havent bothered to count how many extra quests there are coz, well, i'm taking it slowliy coz i'm getting my ass kicked really hard.

The fun is in farming for cards and better weapons to refine. You cant buy any good weapons as all the blacksmith sells are crapy weapons with crapy skills. Making different character builds is also very adictive. you can make a cleric into a battle cleric, a healer, a tank, or even a primary many things you can do that you'll spend hours just making card combinations and testing them out for each class.

I have a pretty uber sowrd warrior and can now take out the last story boss effortlessly, but 6 quests into the extra quests and i'm stuck. Need some help, but unfortunately, i'm having problems playing online and keep getting disconnected, so i'm forced to solo everythihg.

anyways, see you guys around...probably... I dont think i'll bother poping back here as i'll end up filled with rage again.

Peace guys!

(to the bolded and underlined) I thought you said previously that you weren't having any problems connect to the "internetz"

Getting disconnected from online multiplayer =/= not having problems connecting to the internetz. But if you must know, I can stay connected on the internetz without issues but I can't get my router set up to NAT type 2 and is currently on NAT type 3 which has issues when playing online. However, with my current router's setup, I am able to connect to PSN and download games which includes PSN games such as Escape Plan and Super Stardust, full retial games like Gravity Rush and Hot Shots golf: WI, PSP games like Crimson Gem saga and GTA Liberty City Stories, PSN Minis such as echos as well as update my VIta's firmware thourgh Wifi. So, the error I'm getting from Disgaea 3 and it not downloading is not due to me not being able to connect to the internetz but some internal issues that Sony refuses or is to lazy to fix.

So, in summary, NAT Type 3 = not good for online gaming hence my problem with multiplayer...though I had no issues with it on my 3DS and was able to play Resident Evil Mercenaries online without much problems. But its good for PSN and downloading games.

Anything else?