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War on terror- 9/11 could of been avoided, but Bush ignored the warning from the CIA

Wars- Bush started 2 expensive, pointless and dare I say it unwinable wars, which are still going on! If he invaded Iraq because of 9/11, he was greatly misinformed. As, Al Qaeda was bigger in Saudi Arabia than Iraq. While, Afghanistan should not been invaded either. It's way to clear that Bush needs to look up on history, as no one has defeated the Afghans. Not even the soviets (or British empire) could do it! Bush probably ignored the terrorist warnings in 2001 to start both wars

US deficit- $5.5 trillion in 2000, rose to $10-$11 trillion by 2008 and now $16 trillion! The wars and the military spending didn't help, nor Bush tax cuts or Taxes lost because of the recession (lot's of unemployment and repossessed houses!)

I would think it was safe to say, Obama inherited the recession from Bush (it started in 2007), although it was really the Bank's though rather than the president's

Scandals- Bush- Katrina, did little to help and Obama- BP oil spill in gulf of Mexico

Bad stuff about Bush- started wars, bad at planning economy, generally a moron!

Bad stuff about Obama- tough on the war on drugs (even though he used to take drugs lol), out of control debt, continuing war in Afghanistan

Job creation- don't know about Bush, but apparently Obama helped save what's left of the car manufacturing industry. 

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018