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Dgc1808 said:
Panama said:
Runa216 said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
yeah I might even skip out on this game now

fuck this

sony is filled with morons

care to elaborate?

People confused a showroom presentation intended for the entertainment of those on the showfloor for a PSABR panel. I'd point out who the real morons are but I'd get banned.

This thing was actually scheduled for a short timeslot. I wasn't expecting a full panel but just a few annoucements. Also, at Comic-con, THE DIRECTOR OF THE GAME HIMSELF SAID THAT THEY WOULD REVEAL CHARACTER IN ANY MAJOR EVENT WHERE GAMERS GATHER. TGS was SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED when he said this. Character's werent revealed at SONY's Conference and PSAS got it's own short timeslot for something at 3:15AM EST. 

Even if they just said it was a showroom presentation, from the above, who the hell wouldn't think character announcements were coming. Who can you call a moron when Omar Kendall himself said to expect characters at TGS?

It's just that it was obvious that the presentation was never intended for any sort of reveal. I blame whoever translated that schedule, as a more accurate translation for the 4:15 event was 'gameplay demo' and not that elusive panel. Feel free to be upset with Superbot once TGS has closed for the year, but for now it still has one more day, though i don't remember them explicitly stating that they have character reveals in store for TGS.

As for Paul Gale, Superbot may just be pulling his leg so take anything he posts with a mountain of salt as I heard they were bitter at him for revealing quite a few things about the game.