S.T.A.G.E. said:
Nintendo applys the light-hearted and child-like (with color scales and all) approach to games, which is why they are considered the disney of videogames. They are made to attract children and generally casuals. You'll find this is true with Nintendo products being more dear to women and children than any other brand and actually sharing a proper percentage of sales between males and females. The DS was like 50/50 in sales between both genders where as the others were dominated by men. I am sure the Wii was somewhere up there too. It's not that Nintendo isn't good at making certain games...it's that they don't want to because their first part represents them as a company. |
Yep just look at Fire Emblem, Metroid, Zelda, Captain Falcon, Xenoblade, and The Last Story. All clearly for the kids and casual lol. Instead of seeing what you want to see how about actually back things up with proof. If Ninty is for children because of Mario and the Wii games then so is Sony because of the LBP franchise, Move games, and Wonderbook. Why do you ignore Ninty's core titles?