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happyD isn't saying that Nintendo should stop doing what they're doing. He's saying "do this as well". It's not that hard to understand. This gen Nintendo did Xenoblade "as well", next gen they're doing Bayonetta 2 "as well". And we love them for it!!

Do cinematic games as well Nintendo. If there were an Uncharted game for Wii/WiiU I'd so get it! As it is now I gotta get me a PS3 as well. And that's nothing I, as a Nintendo costumer, should do "as well";getting a 2nd console. Nintendo should give me these game experiences "as well" so that I might support the competition.

Yes, there is 3rd party games like this. The new Tomb Raider looks awesome! But is it coming for the WiiU? No! So that's ANOTHER reason for me to get PS3 "as well".

Folks, do you understand what we're saying?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.