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HideoK said:
Arcturus said:
HideoK said:
Thanks for the update Arc. I haven't seen a recent platinum list 36 games long in a while. Even if you divide that by 2, the league sure was busy gaming these past 2 weeks. I think the average is usually around 10 a week.

Yeah, the average is usual about 10-12 platinum trophies per week.

Having to find out which platinum each person earned can be so time consuming. It doesn't help that I have to check many sources to get this information. Viewing trophies via my PS3 does provide Vita trophy information. Viewing trophies on the US Playstation site doesn't show all games (I have no idea why). can be very helpful, but they only update profiles once a week. The UK Playstation site provides a complete view of peoples trophy information, however you can't sort by most recently played games. So for users with 50+ platinums, it can be tough searching through their entire trophy log trying to find their most recent platinum.

Yeah you really do put so much work into the league. That stinks that you can't get the info all in one place :/

Have you thought about how long you will keep the league going? Maybe end it once the PS4 comes out?

I woudn't be surprised if PS4 PSN includes PS3 trophies so I don't think you will be able to separate between trophies earned on either platform..

It will probably be the same for the Xbox and achievements. I think a lot of players would be mad if their count was reset to zero...


On a personal note I know I won't purchase the PS4 the first year it releases and will take advantage of that year to clear my PS3 backlog....

It's not even a money issue, the main thing is that I am not really looking forward to the next gen and I am perfectly happy with this gen games...


The only thing that could entice me to buy a PS4 earlier would be full support of PS3 games and an improved full digital PSN allowing purchase of old PS3 titles digitally..

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !