Degausser said:
askel50 said:
People keep missing the main point.
PS3, WiiU and XBOX 360 have almost the same power. There are some differences, the Wii may be slightly better (it has more RAM) but nothing that a normal consumer would notice or that good software can't overcome. If you don't see this then you are blind.
So where is the purpose (for sony and ms) in releasing a new console if the one you have now on the market CAN COMPETE and has:
- A better game library - Lower production cost (recurrent costs) - Zero development cost (one time costs, very high)
You make a restyle, cut the price, do a smartglass-like thing with comparative advertising and blow nitendo out of the market.
But this won't work because the industry need a progress. Developers demand it, chip makers demand it and gamers demand it. And you know? It won't even cost that much. Like someone pointed out, wasn't the gpu that dragged up the PS3 price.
Indeed, having looked at a few articles speculating and interviewing developers I don't think people quite realise the gap that will once again open up between Nintendo's console and Sony / Microsoft powerwise. Unreal Engine 4 won't run on the Wii U but will most likely be the mainstay for third party PS4 / Xbox 3 games. Nintendo have made a console that will effectively play like a ps3 / 360 in the graphics department, while Sony and Microsoft will be taking things to the next level (Direct X 11, Unreal 4 etc). It's the nature of the video game industry since it existed, new consoles bring more power in big jumps. Unfortunately I think we'll have to wait for their announcement before some people see that
ALso, I don't think even after PS4 / 720 launches that Wii U will dry up on third party support for the short term. While I'm sure the big publishers (Acti, EA, Ubi) will all have some big, powerhouse exclusive on the PS4 / 720 pushing whatever hardware they have to the new limit, most companies can't afford to do that and stuff like COD and Assassins Creed are just too big not to make on the current tech (WiiU, PS3 and 360) and simply release 'upscaled' type versions on the PS4 and 720. thats worth a read imo, it basically says what we've been saying albeit no ones still totally sure how powerful the Wii U is and how much horsepower Sony / Microsoft have planned.