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ferret1603 said:
OriGin said:

Smash Bros wont get girls, they don't like fighting much

WTF?! Why is there so much bigotry on this site? I don't know whether sexism is acceptable in the US but it isn't in the UK. Would you put "Smash Bros wont get gays, they don't like fighting much" or Smash Bros wont get Asians, they don't like fighting much"? I certainly hope you wouldn't so don't generalise about women either. We are all individuals and lumping us all together just because of the shape of our genitals is bigoted and insulting. FYI fighters are my favourite genre but my fiance hates them. Less of the generalisations please!

 This is a SALES website and a topic about the potential sales of products.

I'm sorry if I offended you but that comment is not meant to be offensive, typically in business when you are talking about the MASS market these sort of assumptions need to made towards products.  Simply put, you're in a minority within the female demographic and population that plays videogames.

I'm sorry but I defy you to provide me any source of credible information that would disprove this fact, I am only going by anecdotal evidence and the fact that Nintendo themselves talk about one of the main demographics of Mario Kart being female gamers and my general experience with the female populace, but sorry you're wrong.