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JEMC said:
Degausser said:

ALso, I don't think even after PS4 / 720 launches that Wii U will dry up on third party support for the short term. While I'm sure the big publishers (Acti, EA, Ubi) will all have some big, powerhouse exclusive on the PS4 / 720 pushing whatever hardware they have to the new limit, most companies can't afford to do that and stuff like COD and Assassins Creed are just too big not to make on the current tech (WiiU, PS3 and 360) and simply release 'upscaled' type versions on the PS4 and 720. thats worth a read imo, it basically says what we've been saying albeit no ones still totally sure how powerful the Wii U is and how much horsepower Sony / Microsoft have planned.

Next gen we may be surprised with the AAA games... or the lack of.

With the next console generation approaching, and a new era of very wide cross-platform release schedules, do you think you'll be making fewer titles?
With next gen consoles, it's going toward bigger games, and yes, we will make less of them.

If Ubisoft, one of the few successful developers this gen, is making less AAA games next-gen, imagine what will happen with the rest and who will be able to take advantage of the extra power of the new consoles.

 Thats pretty much what I said though, there'll be a few 'behemoth' type games pushing the strongest hardware to its limit - I limited it to one per publisher, and then the mid-tier stuff or mass-appeal stuff on every console available. There's definitely gonna be less (Retail, AAA, Huge-budget) games overall either way but that trend is just apparent if you compare this gen to previous gens, or just look at how companies have changed their development practise in the past 6 years.