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sethnintendo said:

It is pretty obvious that most people are sick of the Democrats and Republicans in the USA.  However, I believe with the current winner takes all system that it is almost impossible for other parties to get elected in state and national elections.  If I wanted to vote libertarian or another party then my vote would most likely be worthless.  It would be nice to know that my vote actually means something rather than be tossed out.  I believe that we need to go from a winner takes all election process to proportional representation.  I view the electoral college, winner takes all and two party systems in a very negative light.  I was wondering what you guys think would be the best way to solve this problem? 

The biggest probme here is this:

Politics in the USA is like wrestling.  Its supposed to be 2 different teams but behind the scenes they are all friends and work together as 1 big company.

You vote for  X. X Wins.   X fuckes up and then people will vote for Y  Y makes fucks up and people will vote X  etc etc.  

They always win because both parties are actually one big party that acts like 2 different ones. They have some opposite opinions on stuff thats unimportant for them so people think they are enemies because of all the differences but stuff thats inportant to them will not be changed even if the other party wins. etc.

And as long as this system exists  and people believe both parties are enemies etc  why would anyone vote for a small new party etc?

The best way to remove the 2 party dominance is to make a limit on what parties can spend for ads. Make it affordable for individuals like no party is allowed to spend more than 10000 dollars a year. 
Seriously a new party can not compete  with the reps or dems  because they use billions for advertising, shows  etc etc which is a waste of money because its useless and its not what elections are for.   People are supposed to vote for the best IDEA and for the best person to represent the country   not for the person  with whitest teeth   best smile  who has the best speech and has the most money and therefore can afford the most time on air.

People should not even hear or see how candidates sound or look like.  It is unimportant and distorts the image of the person that is actually there.

But all this will never happen because the 2 party system already won  they control everything  so you cant make a law that will cripple their power etc.

People should just take some pitchforks and torches and  well you know the rest.