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You need a proportional system like the greek system, which has a 300 seat house, 250 of which are elected and the other 50 are awarded to the leading party, in a hope to avoid to coalitions (even though the US system acts like a coalition anyway)

In this system, a party needs at least 3% to get a seat in parliament. Need 151 for a majority. To decide, the number of seats for each party, they divide the 250 by the total percentage of votes for each party. I wish, a system like this existed in Britain.

As you can see 7 parties got seats

Official parties

    New Democracy (ND) 129

    Syriza Unionist Social Front (SYRIZA) 71

    Panhellenic Socialist Movement (PASOK) 33

    Independent Greeks (ANEL) 20

    Golden Dawn (this is the nazi pary of greece!) (XA) 18                   

    Democratic Left (DIMAR)   17

Communist Party of Greece (KKE) 14

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