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Im not sure how this discussion has went this long without someone pointing out that the reason this is huge is not that it unveiled not any percent of people receiving government assistance. Its that he said

"I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives."

The problem is hes admitting that the caricature that all of us "liberals" have of Romney, you know, what the entire RNC was trying to prove was false, that Romney and the like are nothing but disdainful rich guys who were born on third, and got home on a sac fly hit by the middle class then wonder how they made it home and we all hit a fly ball out, then they point to the scoreboard and say "see we scored a run cause i made it home", are exactly who we make them out to be.

Notice he doesnt stutter, hes more fluid, this is what he feels. Hes not talking circles around an idea hes simply stating it matter of factly. Granted thats my personal impression and not science but it strikes me as very heartfelt, what hes saying.

Now, if someone wants to start debating that veterans, elderly, unemployed all who receive government assistance should learn to take personal responsibility for their lives, then go ahead.

Also in one of the republican debates when Gingrich said he wanted to make the tax rate on capital gains 0% to which Mitt respnoded saying if that were true hed pay 0% taxes, which means........he currently pays 0% or little INCOME TAXES. Which is exactly the people he cant convince to take control of their lives or personal responsibility. Interesting.

Personally i dont think we can have a president who feels this way, that people who receive assistance dont want to take personal responsibility and the majority of americans agree with me which is why Obama will win a second term.