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rasone77 said:

Nintendo has huge balls, they brought the Wii and DS to the market with radical control schemes. Nintendo also has the most expendable income with all the money they have made on their risky investments.

I fully expect Nintendo to be the first with this technology too, I mean every risk they have taken has turned into a money machine. They're definately more likely to put their money into this.

Nintendo has tiny balls*. They released a massively underpowered console that made a profit on every unit sold, so they simply could not fail. MS and Sony were/are both selling their hardware at a loss. That is a risk, and therefore requires the "huge balls"** of which you speak.

Nintendo has by far the least amount of disposable income as they are a much smaller company than Sony or MS, who have their other divisions to prop them up during hard times.

Every risk Nintendo have taken has not turned into a money machine. Maybe you are too young to remember their first pitiful attempt at motion controls, the Powerglove, or the folly of the disasterous Virtual Boy. It is the lessons they learned with those products that taught them to stop taking financial risks and only release hardware that could guarantee a profit. They actually looked into the motion sensing devices found in the wiimote many years ago, but decided to wait until the price was affordable enough for a mass market product.

@ fazz
You seem to think that Nintendo's silence regarding the specs of the Wii means that people do not know anything about the internals of the machine. That is simply not the case. The precise details may elude us, but we know for sure that the CPU is a modified PowerPC similar to the Gekko in the Gamecube (hence backwards compatibilty without emulation) and clock speeds and such can be independently verified.

@ thetonestarr
Obviously the IR camera in the wiimote doesn't work if someone stands in front of it either. Of course, if someone was standing in front of you it would obscure the view of the TV anyway, so it is a moot point.

And remember that you will still need an extra wiimote to use as a controller with the wii, so the additional cost is equal to that of the PS eye.

* "Tiny balls" in this context actually means "an excellent low-risk business strategy".
** "Huge balls" in this context actually means "a whole shitload of money".