DanneSandin said:
TheShape31 said:
DanneSandin said:
TheShape31 said: Microsoft is in the best position to come out ahead next gen. Especially if they're able to launch with $299 and $399 pricing, Kinect 2.0, the most 3rd party support, big exclusives, an improved Xbox LIve, a native 1080p @60fps standard for all games, and solid physical gaming media (my biggest hope). Sony is in the worst position out of the 3 by far. They can only lower the price of PS3 so much, and they don't have the funds that Nintendo and Microsoft have. Compared to a base unit costing $249-269, they'll have to release the PS4 with at least a $499 price tag and a loss. Sony may not survive this next generation, since there's really no market left for such expensive gaming machines. Nintendo will do fine, and I feel that they will be neck and neck with the new Xbox console this time around. They'll continue to offer unique gameplay and IPs, so they're only obstacle will be pricing this time around. It's a very different economy than when Wii was launched, and people may not be willing to spend as much for that kind of tech. I wish a new company were joining the console wars to bring a new and fresh face to the hardware scene. All 3 companies seem to be going through the motions, and not able to surprise anyone anymore. |
I agree with most of your post, everything except that Xbox3 will have the most 3rd party support :) it's either gonna be equel, or if MS decides to make the über box it's more likely that WiiStation will get better support.
There's no telling at this point who will have the most 3rd party support. But I have a feeling that during the next generation of console it will have a lot to do with how much success each one will have. As you can see above, I never suggested that they will have the most.
Oh, my bad then =) But I don't really think 3rd party support will depend on how successful a console are: take a look at the current gen. Wii is nr1, but ain't getting any lovin' from 3rd parties. IF next gen is about equel in graphics I think 3rd parties will publish for all 3 consoles - and that's great for us gamers either way you look at it =) I think next gen is gonna be brilliant!!
I agree that next gen should be pretty exciting. But looking at the Wii, it actually had more 3rd party software sales than PS3 or X360 did. 3rd part support doesn't necessarily mean 'the biggest AAA titles'. Wii didn't have GTA, Bioshock, or countless other big name titles. But it had plenty of other less 'popular' titles (which catered to the style of the system) that sold even more. 3rd parties will continue to make even more unique brands of software for the specific control schemes of each console. They'll be taking into account the Wii Game Pad, Smart Glass, and whatever Sony comes up with this time around. It may be the lesser known, console-specific, titles that create success more than anything else next-gen.