I'd like to think neither Sony nor MS would dump the amount of power (And money) into their system they did this gen, especially Sony which isn't exactly healthy across its entire portfolio of products. I'd also like to think 3rd party support will be strong for WiiU, especially after the other systems launch. Yes, I'd to think all that ... but history. It has a tendency to repeat itself.
What tricks do MS and Sony have? Raw power. Sony can't get away with launching a new system second or third in line and have it be seen as weak. Look at PSP, and its sales. Did Sony learn its lesson with Vita? Nope, they produced an expensive item with top of the line graphical ability. They will do the same with PS4 I'm afraid. Nintendo may be the only company who can get away with a weaker system. Microsoft did learn some lessons from XBox to 360, cutting some corners, cutting costs. They also have a hit on their hands, with their own motion sensor which will no doubt be bundled in every new system. So maybe they can do it again, and we may see a console not very much stronger than the Wii?
As for Nintendo, Iwata thinks the gap between Nintendo's console and the other two will be less than it was with the Wii and the current consoles. I think he's right, but a gap there will still be. And if it's significant enough to make it impossible to port games down to WiiU, we will see yet another 3rd party drought on a Nintendo system. WiiU's saving grace, would be the controller. Which is rather 'standard' in terms of dual analog and traditional buttons. Companies won't have to fight a two front war like they did with the Wii, being graphically weaker and having a very different controller.